Garden Tool Storage – Frustration is always an Option

I have had my share of fails so I do not expect a project to work as expected (although my expectations resulting from that are a bit of a conundrum at this point), but even something that does not actually fail can turn out to be very frustrating. I hope you can draw something from this garden tool storage solution, at the very least that it pays to throw yourself at something till you stick. Which is probably not the best analogy out there either. Enjoy, and remember to be Inspired!

I hope that this project does not only inspire you to make your own garden tool storage, but also that it helps you to deal with failure and problems on your own projects at least a little bit better. Things do not always run smoothly, but neither does sandpaper, and it is still the go-to for smooth surfaces.

While this metaphor might not be the best one out there, I hope that my problems inspire you. If you need further inspiration, you can find it here. And if you enjoy what I do feel free to subscribe to my email newsletter so you do not miss any future releases. And as always, remember to Be Inspired!

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